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Pause. Mental Health Magazine



Design | Art Direction

Personal Work

Pause. is a postsecondary mental health magazine created by Sheridan College students, staff, faculty, and alumni. From photography to illustration, to writing and editing – over 25 students from various programs and two faculty writers generously helped to bring Pause. to life.

We wanted to create a free resource that shared real stories from Sheridan communities to increase awareness about mental health and the services available to students. We raised nearly $15,000 to help print over 3,500 copies, and launched on Bell Let’s Talk Day. Pause. was shared across all three campuses and also catalogued at Sheridan’s libraries and all Oakville Public Libraries.

Sheridan College

In-house design


Visual identity

Toronto Climbing Academy

Visual identity (Personal Work)

Pause. Magazine

Layout + art direction (Personal Work)

Adams Law Group 2023

Adams Law Group 2023



Adams Law Group 2022

Adams Law Group 2022

Go Fish!

Go Fish!

Chinatown (1974) – Film Poster

Chinatown (1974) – Film Poster

Ovation Magazine

Ovation Magazine

Moto Helmet

Moto Helmet

The Baffler No. 40

The Baffler No. 40

Hockey Noir, L’Opéra

Hockey Noir, L’Opéra

The Imitator – Short Film

The Imitator – Short Film

In need of brand assets, or a visual identity for your new startup, or maybe a fresh coat of paint for your current business?


FAAD Merit Award
American Illustration 35 (Chosen)
Society of Illustrators
FORREC Design Award of Excellence